/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_ctd --lon_start eq -31.4917-- Level 1

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# CTD profiles from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 08 Feb 2013
# Notes: 
#  BCO-DMO added cast, date from
#  the CTDlat_start, lon_starters.
#  SUhe CTeadvolts on 0-output is  0-5V sc 0-5V sc 0-5V scale. SUNA range was sets changed to 0- casts 1-17 and was changed to 0-40uM for casts 18-98.
cast  date      time_start  lat_start  lon_start  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
43    20120628  1649        54.5407    -31.4917   2012-06-28T16:49:00Z      
press     depth     temp      temp2     cond       cond2       sal       sal2       O2_v     O2         trans     beam_c      fluor    turbidity  par         spar        nitrate_SUNA  sigma_0   sigma_0_2  potemp    potemp2   sal_diff    temp_diff   cond_diff   O2sat       sound_vel  geopot_anom  
3.000     2.973     11.9110   11.9116   3.968651   3.968615    34.7768   34.7763    2.4892   6.50270    84.8795   0.6558      1.0651   0.7129041  5.6690e+01  1.2636e+03  0.0000        26.4328   26.4320    11.9106   11.9112   -0.0005     0.0006      -0.000036   6.07131     1496.94    -0.020       
4.000     3.964     11.8899   11.8907   3.966719   3.966704    34.7774   34.7764    2.4914   6.51587    84.8002   0.6595      1.0730   0.6989114  4.2611e+01  1.2121e+03  0.0000        26.4371   26.4363    11.8894   11.8902   -0.0010     0.0008      -0.000015   6.07398     1496.89    0.198        
5.000     4.955     11.8931   11.8932   3.967073   3.966993    34.7773   34.7764    2.4913   6.51894    84.7831   0.6603      1.1255   0.6927117  3.5250e+01  1.2022e+03  0.0000        26.4366   26.4359    11.8924   11.8925   -0.0009     0.0001      -0.000079   6.07357     1496.91    0.244        
6.000     5.946     11.8887   11.8908   3.966682   3.966823    34.7772   34.7764    2.4910   6.51912    84.7838   0.6602      1.2489   0.7139534  3.0072e+01  1.1979e+03  0.0000        26.4373   26.4364    11.8880   11.8901   -0.0008     0.0021      0.000141    6.07414     1496.92    0.277        
7.000     6.937     11.8898   11.8831   3.966814   3.966094    34.7770   34.7774    2.4916   6.52260    84.8061   0.6592      1.6471   0.7439466  2.4650e+01  1.1935e+03  0.0000        26.4370   26.4377    11.8890   11.8822   0.0004      -0.0068     -0.000720   6.07400     1496.93    0.317        
8.000     7.928     11.8574   11.8555   3.963693   3.963507    34.7769   34.7774    2.4898   6.52440    84.8018   0.6594      2.1987   0.6934569  2.0097e+01  1.1866e+03  0.0000        26.4426   26.4430    11.8564   11.8545   0.0005      -0.0019     -0.000186   6.07816     1496.84    0.352        
9.000     8.919     11.6633   11.5289   3.945365   3.931906    34.7831   34.8163    2.4771   6.54716    84.7972   0.6596      2.3815   0.7270302  1.8134e+01  1.1812e+03  0.0000        26.4805   26.4999    11.6622   11.5278   0.0332      -0.1344     -0.013459   6.10295     1496.18    0.386        
10.000    9.910     10.7907   10.6311   3.861447   3.847258    34.7868   34.7980    2.4757   6.64115    85.0279   0.6488      2.9813   0.6781883  1.4297e+01  1.1797e+03  0.0000        26.6318   26.6675    10.7895   10.6299   0.0113      -0.1597     -0.014189   6.21776     1493.11    0.419        
11.000    10.901    11.1030   11.0879   3.892436   3.891140    34.7793   34.7802    2.4892   6.62914    86.1824   0.5950      3.1858   0.6875895  1.2261e+01  1.1542e+03  0.0000        26.5843   26.5877    11.1016   11.0866   0.0009      -0.0150     -0.001296   6.17643     1494.24    0.612        
12.000    11.892    10.1799   10.1872   3.805610   3.805803    34.8247   34.8059    2.4777   6.74072    86.0027   0.6030      3.3420   0.7363479  9.2175e+00  1.1050e+03  -0.0000       26.7588   26.7537    10.1784   10.1858   -0.0188     0.0074      0.000194    6.29737     1491.00    0.941